
Colegio Mayor San Gregorio

Living Asturias

Asturias is a welcoming land. Apart from its breath-taking landscapes and its tasty cuisine, its people are open and warm. This natural hospitality makes visitors feel at home and enjoy the proximity and welcoming nature of this region.

Its two iconic cities, Oviedo and Gijón, alongside the mixture of amazing interior and marine landscapes, gives the region formidable variety and quality.

In a handful of kilometers, Asturias keeps unmatched natural treasures. Lovers of the sea and the mountains will only have to travel a short distance to find some of the highest peaks in Europe and a heavenly coast that is considered the best kept in Spain.

The cuisine and the popular culture are some of the other appealing features of this Natural Paradise. Asturias combines rural life and a deep industrial heritage, forged throughout the centuries, like no other place. Its cultural heritage includes some of the greatest treasures of humankind, such as the Pre-Romanesque style, cave paintings and the spaces protected by the UNESCO as Reserves of the Biosphere.